Various experiments within type design and custom lettering for both client-led and self-initiated projects.

↑ Salem is an on-going project looking to explore the juxtaposition between craft and labour. It is heavily influenced by the stonemasonry and signage in Holbeck and specifically the sign above the Salem chapel, the birthplace of Leeds United. With the club celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2019, the studio worked on a variable typeface which honoured the club’s origins.

Unused initial drafts of the wordmark

Final EP artwork for 'Another Life'
↑ Custom lettering and logotype designed for Glasgow-based ambient/electronic musician Dhrama for their upcoming EP 'Another Life'.

Initial monogram exploration

Full wordmark exploration
↑ Unused custom lettering and logotype designed for Mooncolony, a concept art studio based in Cambridge.

Logo variations

Teaser poster

Full character set of Leah, a typeface inspired by industrial signage in Sheffield

Brand shapes/elements- inspired by steelwork insignia
↑ Typeface and identity designed for Leah's Yard, a renovated retail/residential development based in Sheffield. The type has been reconstructed and repurposed from historical lettering from signage in the city.